Sale information

Welcome statement

Welcome to Warren Show Steers’ Fall Steer and Heifer Sale. 


We are extremely pleased to be offering this high-quality set of 25 steers and heifers for the upcoming 2025 show season. 


Over the years we’ve come to understand that each set of calves begins to take on a bit of a collective personality as you work with them. As they’ve been prepped for this upcoming sale, this group has become very well-behaved on the halter and in the wash rack. Kane and Breanne led the breaking effort and have done an outstanding job as always. There will still be some tail twisting needed as you train them to lead into the perfect show pose, but we tend to believe that effort is a part of the project you sign up for when you decide to show calves. 


Probably most notable for the personality of this group is that there seems to be a bit of a cocky confidence in the group. It’s really curious. Maybe that comes from the depth of quality throughout the ranks. Many calves living together that each has the potential to be the last one standing on a given show day! Maybe they understand the comments we’ve heard from the people walking the pasture when they comment on the overall quality of the group. More than likely, maybe it’s just our own confidence reflecting back at us as we handle them. This is one good bunch. We would love to have you stop by and see them if you get to our area.           


Our sale is scheduled for September 23rd with a 7:00 am opening and extended bidding starting at 8:00 pm CST. It will again be hosted by the professional team at SC Online Sales.  ( If you have any questions about the registration or the bidding process, please do not hesitate to ask either us or the folks at SC.    


We are honored that you are considering Warren Show Steers for your 2025 prospects. When you buy a calf from Warren Show Steers, we pride ourselves on being here to offer our help if you need it as you show your calf.  


Thank you as always for taking your time to sort through our sale offering.

Kane, Breanne, Ripp and Rebel & Jeff and Julene

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